Enrollment Procedures

  • New Student Enrollments must complete the Online Registration process. Required paperwork can be uploaded during the online registration process. 


    Si necesita ayuda para completar el proceso de registro, visite la oficina del distrito y se le proporcionará un intérprete para ayudarlo.

    Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour compléter le processus d'inscription, veuillez-vous rendre au bureau de district et un interprète sera fourni pour vous aider.

    The following information is required for enrollment: 

    • Birth Certificate
    • Immunization Records
    • 2 Forms of Proof of Residency


    Other information needed for enrollment:

    • Most Recent Report Card or School Schedule
    • IEP
    • Custody Agreement or Court Documents

    Proof of Residency – acceptable documentation includes two (2) of the following:

    • Signed and Dated Lease or Rental Agreement
    • Signed and Dated Sales Agreement
    • Current Utility Bill Showing the Date
    • Mortgage Agreement
    • Driver's License/DOT ID
    • Credit Card Bill
    • Property Tax Payment Receipt
    • Paycheck Stub
    • Voter Registration
    • If you are not the homeowner/lessee or do not have residency documents, please email jwilson@bigspring.k12.pa.us for assistance. 

    To speak with the Registrar, please call 717-776-2414 or e-mail Jamie Wilson at jwilson@bigspring.k12.pa.us.

    If you currently have an Aspen login and forget your login and/or password, please complete the following form.  If you have received a message stating your email address already exists when trying to create an account, please complete this form. If you do NOT already have a student enrolled in the District, and do NOT already have an account, please do NOT complete this form.  ASPEN PASSWORD/LOGIN REQUEST FORM

    Parent Guide for Using Aspen Online Registration - It is suggested that a desktop computer be used when first creating your account.  If using a mobile phone, it is suggested you use either Safari or Chrome as your browser, so that you have the option of switching to the desktop version.  Please reference the Parent Guide for more information.