Girls Cross Country Team Qualifies for State Championship

  • The Big Spring Cross Country Team had 14 athletes competing at the District III Championship meet.  For the first time in Big Spring History, the Cross Country girls have qualified for the State Champsionship as a team.  They will compete at the state tournament on Saturday, November 5, 2016 in Hershey, PA at 10:15am.  Members of this qualifying team include; Sam Crouse, Melanie Macioce, Fawn Bennett, Gabrielle Reifsnyder, Emma Fertig, Alexa Walter and Sydney Palmer.  The Girls finish their regular season schedule with an 11 – 1 record for a second place finish in their conference.


    Furthermore, Sam Crouse and Gabi Reifsnyder qualified individually for the state meet earning medals with a 10th place finish (Crouse) and a 20th place finish (Reifsnyder).


    Congratulations Bulldogs!