Pre-Season Info
Below is a list of all documents that need to be completed prior to the first day of practice which is 20 November. If you need them printed please email Coach J at Please find the documents here.
- PIAA Phyiscal Form
- PIAA Physical Re-Certification Form (Section 7)
- Emergency Sheet for Athletes
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest Form
Physicals will be held November 10 from 1pm to 2:30pm AND November 11 from 2:30pm to 4pm in the high school adaptive gym. Please see additional information here.
Students Driving to Away Meets
Parents with student drivers, the district is allowing students who drive the ability to get themselves to and from away sporting events this year. Please complete and return the PARENTAL CONSENT FORM FOR STUDENT DRIVERS.
Team Handbook & COVID-19
Please review the TEAM HANDBOOK with your student-athlete(s) and sign the last page. Return to Coach J or Coach K before November 27th.
Due to the current pandemic, each student and parent must sign and return the COVID-19 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM prior to the first Optional Practice OR Official First Practice on November 20th. Even if they participated in a fall sport/activity, they must fill one out again for Swimming & Diving.