• Welcome to the 


     The purpose of this Trust is to create an entity through which various types of insurance coverage and administrative services can be secured and purchased on behalf of all Member LEAs and to enable those Member LEAs to self-insure together through the same funding vehicle, thereby reducing the burden of costs through administrative efficiency, shared information, economies of scale and joint bargaining. In accordance with Pennsylvania statues; specifically 53 Pa.C.S.A. §483, relating to cooperation among municipalities, 24 P.S. §5-521 relating to authority for school districts to act jointly with other political subdivisions and 42 Pa.C.S.A. §8564, relating to self-insurance by local agencies and joint action by local agencies, political subdivisions such as schools may (i) join together and enter into any agreement or jointly contract for the development of a group risk management program; and (ii) enter into agreements for the pooling of risk.

    Member LEA
    Risk Sharing Pool: CAIU, Camp Hill, CPAVTS, East Pennsboro, Susquenita, West Perry
    Non RSP: Big Spring, Carlisle, Mechanicsburg



    The Board of Trustees shall elect the officers from among its Trustees on a biennial basis, with elections to be held at the second regular meeting of the Board of Trustees taking place in the Trust’s fiscal year, for the upcoming fiscal year.  The term of office will be from the first July 1 following the election until June 30 of the second year.  The offices of President and Vice President will function on a rotational basis, with the President and Vice President serving in their elected capacity during the initial two-year period following election.  Subsequently, the Vice President will serve in the capacity of President for the ensuing two-year period, while the Vice President office will be subject to election for a successive biennial period.

    Roster of Officers
    President - Tina Darchicourt, Camp Hill SD
    Vice President - Joni Rudy, CPAVTS
    Secretary - USI Insurance Services)
    Treasurer - Kevin Benton, CPA