Phone: 717 776-2000


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Jess Dagle

Hello!  I am a 7th/8th grade Learning Support Teacher.  This will be my 21st year as a bulldog.  Life Skills teacher and Multiple Disability Support teacher were two positions I held prior to my current assignment.  I will teach one 8th grade Intensive Learning Support ELA class, one 7th grade Intensive Learning Support ELA class and two 7th grade functional Learning Support math classes.  In ELA, we will focus on enjoying reading and writing. In math, our focus is on skills that will help the kids in their upcoming transition to the high school and beyond. We are looking at ways to incorporate more math skills that the students may see in their field of interest.  I greatly enjoy this age group and the teachers that I work with every day.  I encourage you to contact me about any questions or concerns that you have.