• Welcome to the Attendance Page!


    We are here to help with any questions or concerns you have about your child's attendance.  Please contact Leah Wilson at lwilson@bigspring.k12.pa.us or 717-776-2434, option 2


    Below are a few reminders:

    Students must return excuses within 3 days to be considered for excused absence.

    1). Parents can email lwilson@bigspring.k12.pa.us with an excuse or reply to the email that is sent to them reminding them of a student absence. 

    2). Educational trips, college visits, Farm Show passes, and hunting passes must be pre-approved for excused absences.  Forms are available in the office or on this web page.

    3). Vo-Tech students must return excuses to both Big Spring and CPAVTS.

    Illegal absence is subject to citation (including early dismissals and tardiness).

    1). Not providing an excusable reason for being absent, tardy, or released early and/or unacceptable reasons are illegal absences.

         The reason must be one of the following:


               -medical/dental appointment (Dr's note should be returned to the office)

               -funeral, please state relationship to student

    Students must provide a note signed by a parent/guardian to be dismissed early from school.

    1). Parents may call 776-2434, option 2 to request an unexpected early dismissal for students.

    2). Students may bring early dismissal notes to the office at the beginning of first period or upon arrival from Vo-Tech.

    3). Students MUST exit through the office and be approved to leave school during the school day.

    4). Vo-Tech students MUST exit through the CPAVTS office and sign-out to be dismissed or picked up by a parent/guardian.  Big Spring must be notified when a student is being picked up at CPAVTS by a parent/guardian.