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Bulldog Bucks

Bulldog Buck Rewards

Bulldog Bucks are an initiative within our Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) Program. Bulldog Bucks were created to increase visibility and encouragement for positive behavior.  Newville Elementary’s Program is based on three school-wide rules:  Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe.  When an adult in the building recognizes a student being responsible, respectful, or safe students can receive Bulldog Bucks.  We have explained that students should follow these rules because that is the “right thing”, not just to receive a Bulldog Buck (the buck is a bonus).  At the end of each week K-2 students can place their bucks in prize bags for a chance to win. Example of prizes are; Extra recess for their class, Story time with Deputy Reddington, and Bulldog prize pack.  Students in grades 3-5 can shop at “PawMart”, we currently have an online order catalogue and form all 3-5 students have access to.  Examples of items at PawMart are; Big Spring apparel and memorabilia, extra recess for your class, pizza lunch with Mr. Wonders and donuts with Deputy Reddington.  Students always have the option to save their bucks for the next week.  Please talk to your student/s about Bulldog Bucks and continue to encourage “Pawsitive” Behavior!