Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Heidi Badda
Welcome to third grade! My name is Ms. Badda, and I am really excited to be your teacher!
Just like you, I attended Newville Elementary, and I think it's the best! In addition to living in Newville, I have lived in other towns in Pennsylvania, as well as different states. My favorite state was definitely Utah, near Salt Lake City, where I taught third grade in a small school and enjoyed hiking and camping in the Rocky Mountains.
I love animals, and I have a number of pets - cats, dogs, and "wild" goldfish, who live outside in a pond. As you get to know me, you will learn that I'm also a big fan of opossums - North America's only marsupial! I am proud to have three daughters, and two of them attended Newville Elementary, just like you.
We are going to have a terrific year, learning new things and having fun together. I hope you are excited, too!